Sab, you also are entitled to your opinions, even when they are wrong.
Hahaa comparing Lost to Steinbeck!!!! Seriously???? Steinbeck is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. Lost is a giant exercise in pretentious navel-gazing, already forgotten by most. Yes it was entertaining for a while, perhaps brilliant at times Ben's whole performance as "Henry Gale" was incredible. But that doesn't excuse the lax writing and the total copout of an ending that they foisted on the audience. After years of insisting they had an ending in mind, that they knew where they were going with the story, and that all would be explained, they just basically threw up their hands and said, eh, this is all we got.
Look, I understand, its a tv series, things happen, actors quit, ideas get tossed around, revised, that's fine. I did not expect every little oddity and riddle to be wrapped up with a clever explanation. I was even willing to accept some glaring errors that simply slipped through and that in hindsight made no sense at all. Even when one of their central characters was a kid, and somehow they didn't take into account the fact that kids grow! But I expected at least some kind of ending that fit with what had gone on the first five seasons of the show. Instead they created a whole new puzzle for the sixth season and then congratulated themselves that they were able to resolve this new riddle in a way that kind of made sense.
No Apologies